The real majority
No more left, right, Opposition, other side… only “us”
Join the Movement for Authentic Local Leadership
Who we are
We aren’t left or right, Democrat or Republican. We’re the real majority.
We’re an organization for those who reject a political system dominated by corporate greed and self-serving politicians. We aim to reclaim local politics and empower the working majority.
We’re the people who are the foundation of society yet own very little of it — We are the ones who already agree on the issues that matter most:
➠ Economic Fairness
➠ Affordable Lives
➠ Punishing Corruption
➠ Ending Culture Wars
We know there is no justice when so few have so much while many have so little.
What we want
Economic fairness
The U.S. economy is built to keep wages low, prices high, and profits flowing upward. Companies cut jobs, suppress pay, and hike costs — not out of necessity, but because they can. Economic fairness means fair wages, profit-sharing, job security, and worker representation in the decisions that shape our livelihoods… We want what we’re owed.
Affordable lives
An affordable life means covering the basics — housing, food, healthcare, utilities, insurance, transportation, savings — without constant anxiety or stress. The bare minimum we expect is cost controls on housing and healthcare, tight regulation of markets, and policies that focus on essential goods… People shouldn't have to go into debt just to live.
punish corruption
Corruption isn't a flaw in the system — it is the system. Politicians take corporate money, pass laws that enrich their donors, and leave the public to deal with the consequences. We want to ban corporate donations, kill the SuperPAC, set term limits, end lobbying loopholes… Serve the people or face the consequences.
End culture wars
Every day, we're bombarded with messages urging us to see one another as enemies. Infotainment thrives on outrage, profits from conflict, and maintains control through fear. Ending the culture wars means not allowing these manipulators to dictate our thoughts and actions… We want unity through objectivity.
Meet our candidates
Waiting for others to take charge will not change anything.
Contact us to discuss becoming a local candidate, supporting a candidate, or helping us organize.