Smiling person in a white collared shirt against a plain background.

Ken Cavagnolo

Portland Public School Board, Zone 1

Public education is the only shot most of us have at a future, and that's dying in America. Education is a right for everyone, no matter where they come from or how much money their family has.

I'm a nobody with a simple plan to fight back.

Establishment politicians bend to the will of their leash handlers and deliberately keep education funding low, treating it like a luxury for the rich instead of a right for all. ‘More for me, less for you.’ That’s their motto.
— Ken

The Crisis

  • Portland's schools are broke because Oregon's tax system is a scam: Measure 97 defeated, Nike's Sweetheart Deal with Governor Kitzhaber, Single Sales Factor & Intel, Portland Business Alliance Lobbying, and more. Working-class families pay 9% of their income in taxes. The wealthy pay 6% – corporations like Nike and Intel pay less than a food truck. This isn't an accident — it's theft. We're robbing kids to subsidize billionaires.

    You can't “support schools" while voting against taxing the rich. That's like saying you love forests but hate trees.

  • We've turned poverty into a life sentence. If you're born poor in Portland, your school gets fewer books, broken heaters, and a police officer instead of a computer lab. That's not equity — that's economic servitude.

    Telling a kid in Albina to ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’ while their school lacks textbooks is like telling someone to build a house without tools. It's cruelty disguised as advice.

  • We pay teachers like babysitters and wonder why they quit. Meanwhile, Portland spends $3 million yearly on consultants to write reports no one reads — I live this daily. Priorities, people.

    If we can sit on a billion dollars in unused city funds and waste resources ego-stroking the vanity of local politicians, we can damn well pay teachers enough to live in the city they serve.

  • We will not let state politicians hide behind corporate lobbyists while our schools suffer. We will mobilize in Salem — in person and online — to confront lawmakers who keep tax loopholes open for big businesses like Nike and Intel. Our teams of parents, teachers, and community members will attend hearings to expose deals that harm our classrooms. We will demand the closure of these tax breaks or face community outrage.


If you’re tired of the default, safe candidates that wave placards and wear t-shirts, if you want someone ready for a streetfight over what’s right — I’m your flamethrower.
— Ken

about me

I became politically active after the 2000 election, and my core principles remain the same:

  • SOLIDARITY — We may not always agree, but we're in this together, like it or not.

  • HUMILITY — We're a small part of the world; our actions should reflect that understanding.

  • COMPASSION — No one can do everything alone; we must see and hear others in need.

  • HONESTY — Science teaches us to question everything, as should our leaders.

I grew up in Atlanta and have lived in places like Michigan, Canada, France, and Tennessee, with extended stays in India, Japan, and South Africa. My journey has shaped who I am, but the fight for fairness drives me, and my love of science emboldens me.

I pursued academics as a career and spent years as an astrophysicistpublishing research, and teaching. But in 2011, I made the brutal leap to industry, leaving my dream job because there wasn't a way to make a living.